
Consultancy-advice is a professional activity ensuring the reliability and rationality of operations and situations which govern the life of a company by means of advice on and execution of the different mercantile documents, company operations, registers and transactions.

A professional advice service ensures immediate and long-term advantages via the work carried out by advisers in each business area. Firstly, the advice company checks that work and transactions are executed with maximum guarantees for the company and, secondly, by providing an independent professional opinion in regard to the financial and mercantile standing of the company’s operations, the consultant’s opinion serves as a guarantee for third-parties.

But this is not all that advice services offer. They also provide mid-term guidelines for future company management decisions, by means of systematic analysis of the control systems and procedures of the different company operations, offering ideas for their optimisation. In addition, advisory services also provide legal and fiscal security for the company itself by supplying useful information to third-parties such as financial entities.

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